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My Equal Life

Caritas Finland

Glimpses of everyday life in Bangladesh

An exhibition based on GMB Akash's photographs and educational materials for children and young people

- also suitable for adults

New exhibitions coming from September 2024. Read more!

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My Equal Life project 

My Equal Life project consists of nearly 20 photographs by Bangladeshi photographer GMB Akash along with stories that go with them. The photos and stories are displayed both on this website and at an exhibition that will tour seven municipalities in Finland.

To complement the photos, we have prepared material for discussion, which deals with inequality and the goal of reducing it. 

The project also features a photo contest that was held in 2022, workshops in vocational schools and a social media campaign.

Äiti kantaa lasta sylissään

Compassion reduces inequality

Compassion helps reduce inequality. We all have the capacity to feel compassion towards one another. 

Compassion combines knowledge, emotion, and action. An act of compassion can comprise of a friendly look, warm smile, opening the door for someone, making the other person feel seen and acknowledge their agency. A compassionate person sees the other person’s desires and needs.

Compassion is also defending those less fortunate. Compassion is rooted in a view of humanity, where human is good and seeks connection with others.

Nuori poika kantamassa koiraa

Moina, 2000

Voirob, Bangladesh

Nuori tyttö ja punainen huivi

Nilufa, 2000

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rasel, 2017

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Check out other stories

Vanha mies ja hänen lehmänsä

Fotik Bepari, 2018

Narayanganj, Bangladesh


Read more about inequality and discuss reducing inequality through the tasks we have created. You’ll also
find some background information on the following themes:

• Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• Finland’s development cooperation
• Inequality between people
• Photographer GMB Akash
• Bangladesh – what kind of a country is it

GMB Akash's exchibitions


Photographer and a storyteller

GMB Akash is a Bangladeshi photographer, whose photos tell stories of people living on the margins of the society. He has been collecting these people’s stories for more than two decades. He has photographed many disenfranchised groups such as prostitutes, casteless (Dalits) and disabled people. 

Akash maintains contact with the people he’s photographed even after the shoots. Over the years he found agonizing to see how their situations had not improved, so he set out to help them himself. Akash has founded a school to ensure children of poor families, too, have access to education. He also trains people in photography. He has seen the power of education and how it improves people’s standard of living.


Akash has won over hundred international awards and his work has been featured in many prominent publications such as The Guardian, Vogue, Time, Sunday Times ja Newsweek.

Valokuvaajan GMB Akashin kuva
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